Friday, 23 March 2012

Question 1: In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Question 1

Question 2: How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

For our audience feedback we got the our media class to watch our music video in which we gained feedback. We filmed what they said to see whether we needed improvement on our music video and what went well, from their point of view. We also asked them about our digipacks and magazine advert which in our groups choose which we thought should be our final one. We asked the class why they liked that particular one and what makes it stand out. Getting feedback is important as you need to know what needs to be improved, what looks good to the audience and just to get general feedback. When they were watching the music video we asked the to complete a survey monkey questionnaire which we gained anonymous feedback from our media class.  We also asked individual class students what could be improved and what they liked about our music video. 

Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and researching, planning and evaluation stages?

Friday, 9 March 2012

The Saturdays Blog

This is a screen shot from The Saturday's blog which I thought for any artist is a good idea to have their group blog. In our group we could of created a homepage to show that we were a girl group. I think that this would be a nice touch to our project but as an extended project. 

Lyrics To Ego

I was on and was just messing around with the cartoons on there. I decided to put the lyrics in just to see how it came out. I thought it was quite funny so I decided to put it on my blog.

Finalising Our Music Video

Friday, 24 February 2012

Effects With The Camera

This screen shot is from a recent music video - Big Sean ft. Chris Brown - My Last. I like the effect with the record in the corner I think it makes a music video more interesting as it like it is not within the music video it is a personal video which some has made but purposely put in the music video because it has significants. 

Behind The Scenes

Here is a video that I put together from the behind the scenes filming for our music video. It just creates a different reaction for the audience as behind the scenes show what you will be doing and just the outtakes that have happened.

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Digipak Process

This was the template which helped us to create our digipack. I used four images of me and my group which were individual ones and then I used our group picture. I then wrote the titles of our songs to make it a realistic digipack.

Advert Process

This was my first attempt at my advert as I wanted to create a different aspect to advert. I didn't use loads of colours but I empathised our dresses as this is what the saturdays would have done.

I then changed the style and rearranged the pictures around as I thought this would look better. I am happy with my advert as it is not in your face but is interesting as the colours are suttle but appealing.


I have completed my digipack using photoshop. I used the photos we took in the studio to use as pictures on our digipack. I wanted to create the same theme from my magazine advert through to my digipack as I thought that this would go well with each other. Here is the final product of my digipack.

Friday, 3 February 2012


We had to create a magazine advert on photoshop which I used different effects and tried to use it to the best of  my advantage. I wanted to create an interesting poster which caught the audiences eye, which I hope I have done. I like the effect on the picture with the black and white effect but with out dresses just with colour. I thought that this was an interesting effect and got tips from the internet to help me through it. I used a vary of effects which I thought would look good on my advert, as it had to be interesting and eye catching.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Lip syncing

Here is a video of our group practicing lip syncing to our chosen song. We will at a later date add the actual song to see whether the lip syncing in in sync with the song.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012



for my digipack I decided that we liked the idea of having us in black and white and the colour of our dresses will be in colour. This was inspired by the saturdays as they have different coloured dresses and we thought that this was a good idea as it shows we are a girl band.

I have edited a picture on photoshop and created the picture I thought will look interesting on our digipack, here is my idea.

Friday, 20 January 2012

Photoshop tutorial

Me and my group had a photoshop tutorial which really helped us. We can now use photoshop and use different effects which will help us with out digipacks and magazine adverts. We wanted to know how to make an image black and white but have certain items with an outburst of colour. I figured out how to do this by researching on the internet. I found some useful tips which didn't take me long to figure out how to use the tools on photoshop. If I am not too sure how to use certain tools on photoshop I will research this. I think that this will widen my knowledge of photoshop which will help me in the future.
The below pictures show the step by step guide which I used to help me with the process.

1) Open the file and select IMAGE>ADJUSTMENTS>DESATURATE to remove all colour from the image. Please note that the file is still RGB. We must not turn the colour mode to Mono or the next bit won’t work.
2) Select the History Brush from the tool palette (2a). Then make your brush size around 10 – 11 px using the palette located just under the file menu bar (2b). Hardness should be 100%.
3) Using the History Brush we can now “paint” back in time to when our image was in it’s full colour glory. Remember and lift off now and then so you can undo any mistakes without having to start again.
4) Continue the process until the area is complete. Take extra special care by zooming in when necessary. I found the area near the ladies hand needed this treatment.
And that’s it!
The secret is just to take your time during the painting process and be careful around the edges. Use any size of brush (and indeed, more than one size) for each job that you are comfortable with.

Read more:

Photos for digipacks

We booked out the studio to take pictures for our digipacks and for the magazine advert. We used a DSLR camera which took high quality photos which we are all happy with.

Filming - Wednesday 11th January 2012

We started to film on the 11th January 2012 and we got some filming done. We have to re-film some of the scenes because we were not in sync with each other as we wanted to sway side to side to make the filming more interesting. Also by having these movements makes it look more of a girl group, which we desired to do.

Friday, 13 January 2012

Filming Pictures

Started Filming!

On wednesday 11th we started to film our music video and got various shots for our performative lip syncing. We had four mic stands with microphones and played the music from our phone. We got some scenes where we were lip syncing to the song which we will upload soon.

It was quite hard to lip sync as some of us didn't know the song well and got some of the words mixed up. Also we tried to be in sync with each other by having a dance routine; swaying side to side to make the scene more interesting and more in sync. 

We are going to film more scenes to create our music video by using narrative scenes to it. We hope that our music video goes well and all goes to plan!

Wednesday, 11 January 2012


This is a tripod which securely holds the camera in place and also keeps the camera still when filming.
This is the green screen studio where we will be filming the performative scenes. 
This is a DSLR camera which we will be taking photos for our digipaks. This camera will give the best quality for our photo as you can focus in.

This is a Sony HD camera which we will be using for all our scenes. This video camera gives the best quality for our scenes and the quality looks best in the end result.

Equipment booking/ location booking

On Wednesday 11th January we have booked the studio to do our performative scenes to the chorus of the song. We have booked the studio for three hours which we hope to get most of our performative scenes done!

We have also booked a professional video camera to film the scenes, this is because the camera quality is high and has effects which can come in handy when filming.

Permission to film

We had to gain permission because we are using students from outside the academy so we had to ask our teacher for permission. We asked our media teacher, this is because of health and safety reasons.
The below pictures show us getting the permission:

Lip Syncing

I looked online and found some useful tips and ideas which may work when lip syncing to the song. I think that some of the tips may work but it is useful to know the song you are lip syncing too!

  • Memorize and mouth the lyrics. The least you can do if you can't actually sing them is to have them memorized. This will make it easier to match the movements of your mouth with what is supposed to be sung.
  • If lyrics to the song are unknown, repeat the words "watermelon and cantaloupes" or "carrots and peas" over and over to the rhythm of the song. It works most of the time!
  • Don't immediately give up. Practice everyday so your performance will eventually be good enough to sing for real.

These tips may help us when lip syncing, it is just remembering the lyrics and when they come in. 

The Saturdays on stage.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Meeting Minutes - 10th January 2012

Me and my group have found out that we are working towards a tight deadline, so we need to work really hard! It is important that we don't the project but when working towards a tight deadline we need to work to the best of our abilities.

We will all be assigned to different jobs such as editing, so this will make the process more effective if we are all working together. Also if we are assigned to different jobs we can get the project done quicker, meaning that we can focus on further editing and updating our blogs to make it the best we can.

We will be shooting on the 11th January 2012 in the studio at our sixth form. We have booked the studio for our performative chorus scenes which we can hopefully get done within the time slot we have. For our digipacks we were thinking of taking pictures so that we have some guideline for our project and to know what we are working with.


These two pictures show the location outside the studio. This is a girly bedroom and represents being a 'girl' because of it being pink and having a teddy.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment Template

Risk Assessment Template

Risk Assessment

Story Board